Downloadable ZIP for Attachments in JetEngine

Hazrat Bilal

Software Engineer

WordPress Solutions tailored to your needs from anywhere in the world.

Enhance your JetEngine-powered WordPress website by creating dynamic ZIP file download links for attachments. This code snippet enables you to group multiple files into a ZIP archive, customize file naming conventions, and generate secure download links—all within JetEngine listings. Perfect for websites requiring bulk file downloads!

Step 1 : Create a Media Field

Create a media field in your CCT, CPT, Option Pages, or Meta Boxes, and set the value format of the field to "Media ID.

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Step 2 : Add a Media Field in JetFormBuilder

Add a media field in JetFormBuilder, set the Field Value to "Attachment ID," and configure the number of files allowed for upload and the total file size limit.

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Step 3 : Add the Code Snippet

Add the code snippet provided below to your Code Snippets plugin or the functions.php file of your theme. This enables the option to generate a ZIP file for attachments.
// If this file is called directly, abort.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
die(); }
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listings/allowed-callbacks', 'jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listing/dynamic-field/callback-args', 'jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback_args', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listings/allowed-callbacks-args', 'jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback_controls' );
function jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback( $callbacks ) {
$callbacks['jet_engine_get_attachment_zip_link'] = 'Get attachment ZIP file link';
return $callbacks;
function jet_engine_get_attachment_zip_link( $attachment_id, $display_name = 'file_name', $label = '' ) {
// Ensure the attachment IDs are in an array format
if ( ! is_array( $attachment_id ) ) {
$attachment_id = explode( ',', $attachment_id );
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // WordPress uploads directory
$zip_file = tempnam( $upload_dir['path'], 'attachments_' ) . '.zip';
if ( $zip->open( $zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE ) !== TRUE ) {
return '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Could not create ZIP file.', 'jet-engine' ) . '</p>';
foreach ( $attachment_id as $key => $value ) {
$file_data = \Jet_Engine_Tools::get_attachment_image_data_array( $value, 'all' );
if ( ! empty( $file_data['url'] ) ) {
$file_path = get_attached_file( $value );
if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) {
$file_extension = pathinfo( $file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$file_name = basename( $file_path );
// Handle dynamic file naming based on display_name option
switch ( $display_name ) {
case 'post_title':
$file_name = get_the_title( $value ) . '.' . $file_extension;
case 'custom':
$file_name = $label . '_' . $key . '.' . $file_extension;
// Use the original file name
// Add the file to the ZIP archive
$zip->addFile( $file_path, $file_name );
} else {
error_log( "File does not exist: {$file_path}" );
} else {
error_log( "Invalid file data for attachment ID: {$value}" );
// Generate the public URL for the ZIP file
$zip_url = str_replace( ABSPATH, site_url( '/' ), $zip_file );
return sprintf( '<p><a href="%1$s" download>%2$s</a></p>', esc_url( $zip_url ), esc_html__( 'TD - EID', 'jet-engine' ) );
function jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback_args( $args, $callback, $settings = array() ) {
if ( 'jet_engine_get_attachment_zip_link' === $callback ) {
$args[] = isset( $settings['jet_attachment_name'] ) ? $settings['jet_attachment_name'] : 'file_name';
$args[] = isset( $settings['jet_attachment_label'] ) ? $settings['jet_attachment_label'] : '';
return $args;
function jet_engine_add_attachment_zip_callback_controls( $args = array() ) {
$args['jet_attachment_name'] = array(
'label' => esc_html__( 'Display name', 'jet-engine' ),
'type' => 'select',
'label_block' => true,
'description' => esc_html__( 'Select attachment name format to display', 'jet-engine' ),
'default' => 'file_name',
'options' => array(
'file_name' => 'File name',
'post_title' => 'Attachment post title',
'custom' => 'Custom',
'condition' => array(
'dynamic_field_filter' => 'yes',
'filter_callback' => array( 'jet_engine_get_attachment_zip_link' ),
$args['jet_attachment_label'] = array(
'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom label', 'jet-engine' ),
'type' => 'text',
'label_block' => true,
'description' => esc_html__( 'Set custom text for the attachment link', 'jet-engine' ),
'default' => '',
'condition' => array(
'jet_attachment_name' => 'custom',
'dynamic_field_filter' => 'yes',
'filter_callback' => array( 'jet_engine_get_attachment_zip_link' ),
return $args;

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Step 4 : Use the Field as a ZIP in Listings, Single Posts, or Pages

Add a dynamic field and select the media field. Enable the "Filter Field Output" option and choose "Get Attachment ZIP File Link" as the filter option.

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